Thursday, July 26, 2007

Yu Chen's respond to 3R City

1. I think the game was very fun and interesting. It has a lot of wonderful games and everyone will enjoy it. It made us more wanting to practice the 3Rs and help the world. I am sure that everyone would not want to live next to a landfill or Incineration Plant! The games teach us a lot of things, I hope to have this kind of games again and we'll learn more about the 3Rs!

2. I will pratise the 3Rs everyday. I will also encorage people to do the same too. I will use my own clothbag instead of plastic bag that we got from the shops, they pollute the air. We must buy things with Singapore Green Labels on them.( I don't often see them:( )

3. The world will be extremely hot as the ice in the cold countries are melting. We will be also living next to a landfill, Incineration Plant or in a garbage dump. A lot of people will have special diseases and more peole will get athsma. There will be air pollution too!

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